
Save and load your list

Everybody who knows the list of your name can load and save it (that's the feature).

How does this work?

Use this feature to open your list on any other devices you are using or send your friends a hint on your favorite items on the agenda.

Choose your list's name wisely - everybody can load, everybody can save :)

Want to try? 'Load From' and 'Save As' the list demo and play around. You can't do anything wrong.

Save As

Give your current selection in this browser a list name and write it to our database. Everything stays the same in this browser. If you make choices afterwards and want them to be included in your list, just 'Save As' the list again. Everything in our database using the very same name will be overwritten during 'Save As'.

Load From

Load any selection on a given list from our database. All your current selections in this browser will be replaced.